Beautiful People Rise Up, Inc.
Organization Number: FX207
Community family & friends we welcome you to partner with us for the Kroger Community Rewards Program. When you shop, Kroger will generously donate a percentage of the profit(s) from your purchase(s) to help us with our Mission and Vision to serve the Community. To participate you must register your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card by clicking the Connect Your Card Button above. If you don’t have an online account you must create one first, then enroll. Select Beautiful People Rise Up, Inc. – (Organization Number- FX207) as your supported non-profit organization/charity.
If you use Alt. ID number or phone number, please call 1-800-576-4377 then select Option 3 to get your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card Number. Then follow the steps above. There is an example below of what you should see on the Kroger website to link your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card.
You can also connect via the Kroger App. There are three lines located to either the left or right of the search box. Click that icon. Then click Rewards, then Kroger Community Rewards and it will allow you to search for the organization. Type our Organization Number- FX207. Our name Beautiful People Rise Up, Inc. will populate, then click enroll. If you have issues connecting, please call 1-800-576-4377 then select Option 3. Customer Service can assist you with getting connected.
Our goal is to reach 1000 plus supporters! You are invited to help us meet our goal by sharing it with your family and friends. Note: Kroger requires that you re-register your Kroger Plus Shopper’s Card every year with your chosen organization